ChinaMed - SunHerbal

Some of the ChinaMed® formulas are adaptations of commonly used traditional formulas, with modifications to enhance their clinical efficacy. All have been developed with the assistance of several renowned Chinese herbal doctors, who are leaders in their field, with a lifetime of clinical experience as well as expertise in the development of prepared herbal products for the domestic market in China.

A unique feature of the ChinaMed® range is that each formula has been named and labeled so that you are able to see at glance the major indications for each product. While it is true that one formula may have several uses clinically, we have chosen to name each one according to the most common clinical indication. This is especially appropriate as most of the formulas have been developed to treat a specific condition, such as eczema, IBS or chronic sinusitis.

The ChinaMed® capsules are all manufactured in China from 'A' grade herbs. The most advanced methods of extracting and concentrating whole herbs are used in the manufacture of ChinaMed® capsules to produce a 6:1 final product.

For the convenience of both practitioner and patient, each bottle containing 78 capsules, which will last 2 weeks at the recommended dosage. You will find that ChinaMed® formulas are competitively priced and cost considerably less than a standard 60 capsules.
59 product(s) found
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A C Skin Formula (ex.Acne Formula)
Item No. CM100
A C Skin Formula (ex.Acne Formula) An Chuang Ling
Peaceful SleepFormula
Item No. CM101
Peaceful SleepFormula An Shen Ning Ye Fang
Digest-Aid Formula
Item No. CM102
Digest-Aid Formula Bao He Xiao Shi Fang
Hayfever Formula
Item No. CM103
Hayfever Formula Bi Min Gan Te Xiao Fang
Antitox Formula
Item No. CM105
Antitox Formula Chuan Xin Lian Jie Du Fang
Sports Injury Formula
Item No. CM106
Sports Injury Formula Die Da Fang
Joint Support Formula ( ex. Arthritis Formula )
Item No. CM107
Joint Support Formula ( ex. Arthritis Formula ) Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Jia Wei)
Menopause 2 Formula
Item No. CM108
Menopause 2 Formula Er Xian Gan Mai Da Zao Fang
Menopause 1 Formula
Item No. CM110
Menopause 1 Formula Geng Nian Fang